The 25th China Beijing International High-tech Expo
2012年05月07日    来源:科博会官网(www.chitec.cn)


侯慕岩先生自2009年起担任ING集团执行董事会主席(CEO)。ING 集团是一家植根于荷兰的全球领先的金融服务机构,为遍布欧洲、北美及拉丁美洲、亚洲和大洋洲逾8500万私人、公司及机构提供银行、投资、人寿保险和退休服务。在全球约110,000不同背景的员工的共同努力下,ING集团致力于在帮助客户规划资产未来方面竖立标准。

侯慕岩先生毕业后的首份工作是于1970年在 Lips Aluminium公司任会计长,该公司于1975年被Alcoa Inc.收购之后,他在Alcoa Inc及其在美国宾夕法尼亚州匹兹堡的总部工作, 在几个不同的财务部门任职。1991年, 他成为Alcoa Inc.执行副总裁兼首席财务官。

1997年,  侯慕岩先生被任命为Koninklijke Philips Electronics (菲利普电器)首席财务官, 并


2005年从菲利普公司退休后,侯慕岩先生在多家公司及机构董事层任职, 如:Reed Elsevier公司主席, TNT公司主席,Ahold公司及Campina公司监事会成员,TiasNimbas 商业学校监事会主席,Academisch Ziekenhuis Maastricht (一家学院型医院)监事会主席。

2005年,侯慕岩先生被任命为ING集团监事会成员,并于2008年成为监事会主席。 2009年1月, 成为ING集团执行董事会主席(CEO)。


侯慕岩先生1943年出生于荷兰,毕业于荷兰Tilburg 大学,获经济学硕士学位。


Jan Hommen is CEO of ING Group since 2009. ING is a global financial institution of Dutch origin offering banking, investments, life insurance and retirement services to over 85 million
private, corporate and institutional clients in more than 40 countries in Europe, Asia, North  America,  Latin America and Australia. .With a diverse workforce of about 110,000 people, ING is dedicated to setting the standard in helping clients manage their financial future. 

After graduation Mr. Hommen started his business career as a financial controller at Lips Aluminium in 1970. After the takeover of Lips by the Aluminium Company of America (Alcoa Inc) in 1975, he served in several financial positions at the company and its headquarters in Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania. In 1991 he became Executive Vice-President & CFO of Alcoa Inc.

In 1997 Mr. Hommen was appointed as Chief Financial Officer at Koninklijke Philips Electronics, of which he became vice Chairman of the Board of Management in 2002.

After retiring from Philips in 2005, he took up several board positions at companies and organisations: he was the Chairman of Reed Elsevier and served in that same role at TNT.

He was a member of the Supervisory Board of Ahold, of  Campina and Chairman of the Supervisory Boards of TiasNimbas Business School and of the Academisch Ziekenhuis (Academic Hospital) Maastricht.

In June 2005 Mr. Hommen was appointed a member of the Supervisory Board of ING Group of which he became Chairman in January 2008. In January 2009 he became CEO.

Mr. Hommen is a Member of the Board of the Royal Concertgebouw Orchestra.

Jan Hommen was born in ‘s-Hertogenbosch, the Netherlands, in 1943. He graduated with a master’s degree in Business Economics from Tilburg University (the Netherlands).

He is married, has four children, and 8 grandchildren.
