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2012年12月14日   来源:中国国际贸易促进委员会北京市分会  


英文名称:China British Business Council



英中贸易协会是由英国政府及工商界共同支持的非盈利性对华经贸促进机构,是协助英国公司在中国建立和发展业务的领先组织。协会与中英国企业界、各行 业协会、政府机构、英国驻华使领馆、英国在华商会、及各地方组织长期以来保持密切的合作。50多年来协会致力于发展中英两国经贸合作成就斐然,为两国政府 高层所推崇,曾多次组织有两国商贸部长参加的大型活动,并参与接待包括国家首脑在内的重要官员。

英中贸易协会帮助包括新进入中国市场的和已在中国市场运作多年的各类规模英国企业,向他们提供商务咨询,实际 的市场落地运作支持服务和行业专题活动。协会面向有意对华出口产品和服务、对华投资,或和中国企业建立合作伙伴关系的英国公司提供一系列的切实完善的服务 内容,其中包括市场调研、孵化器及代表处设立服务、组织贸易代表团和展会、会务管理和翻译等。英中贸易协会还是英国政府的合作伙伴,代表英国贸易投资总署 提供海外市场介绍服务(OMIS)。


英中贸易协会是会员制机构,面向会员提供市场商情、组织定制的会员活动,并推出各类商务服务优惠价格。无论是 新进入中国市场的,还是常年在中国市场发展的企业,均可通过迅速有效的途径享受到持续广泛的业务支持和网络、获得中国商务最新信息,获邀参加丰富多彩的论 坛和研讨会,并有机会成为英中贸易协会举办的高端中英商务峰会的赞助方。企业会员还将享受到成立在北京的英国商会中国部的互惠会员利益,包括当地强大的企 业关系网络和参加每年在北京举办的上百次活动。

The China-Britain Business Council is the leading organisation helping UK companies grow and develop their business in China. Our mission is to help UK companies of all sizes and sectors, whether new entrants or established operations, access the full potential of the fastest growing market in the world.

Through 60 years of engagement, we have built up exceptional connections with government and business across China. Our Board is made up of senior business people from companies with a strong China interest, and our business advisers all have extensive first-hand experience of doing business in China.

We deliver a range of practical services, including: advice and consultancy, market research, event management, an overseas market introduction service, trade missions and exhibitions, and setting up rep offices.

We have 10 UK offices and 11 offices across key locations in China. This in-country network provides invaluable local insight, access, and knowledge. It is also the basis of our Launchpad and Hotdesk services.  As a partner of UK Trade & Investment (UKTI) we deliver its business-to-business services in China.

Whilst use of CBBC's services is open to all British registered companies on a pay-as you-go basis, we are also a membership organisation with some 900 British company and individual members. For companies serious about developing business in China, CBBC membership provides a cost-effective route to ongoing support, networking, and exclusive services. CBBC corporate members also benefit from reciprocal membership of the Beijing based British Chamber of Commerce in China (Britcham), including access to more than 100 events per year in Beijing and a stronger membership network.