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2016年06月27日   来源:中国国际贸易促进委员会北京市分会  



赵国华曾在阿尔卡特,斯伦贝谢和圣戈班任职,于1986年加入了施耐德电气旗下的梅兰日兰。1988年至1999年间,赵国华曾先后在意大利(五年)、中国(五年)和南非(一年)任职,并于2000年开始负责全球战略客户和施耐德2000+项目。赵国华于2002年被任命为国际部执行副总裁,并于2003年被任命为首席运营官。2006 年5 月,赵国华开始担任管理委员会主席兼首席执行官。2013 年4 月,他获任施耐德电气的董事会主席兼首席执行官。

赵国华拥有法国Angers ESEO的电子工程学位以及法国EM Lyon CESMA商学院的MBA。

Jean-Pascal Tricoire 
Chairman & Chief Executive Officer, Schneider Electric 
Co-chairman of the France-China Committee (Comité France-Chine)

After carrying out missions at Alcatel, Schlumberger and St Gobain, Jean-Pascal Tricoire started his career at Schneider-Electric by joining Merlin Gerin in 1986. Tricoire held operating positions in Italy (five years), China (five years) and South Africa (one year) from 1988 to 1999, before he started heading Global Strategic Accounts and the Schneider 2000+ program in 2000. Tricoire was appointed Executive Vice-President of International Division in 2002, Chief Operating Officer in 2003 and Chairman of the Management Board and Chief Executive Officer in 2006. In April 2013, Tricoire was appointed as Chairman and Chief Executive Officer.

Tricoire has the degree of Electronic Engineering from ESEO, Angers (France) and received his MBA degree from CESMA Business School of EM Lyon (France).