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2015年08月13日 来源:中国国际贸易促进委员会北京市分会
Customs Regulation (46 KB) PDF
The document has been prepared by the Centre for International Cooperation and Development.
Autonomous Tariff Suspensions and Quotas
Did You know?
1.The Commission, with the assistance of Member States' experts, is operating a duty suspension scheme which is open to all operators in the European Union (EU).
2.The scheme allows for the importation of raw materials, semi-finished goods or components with total or partial suspension of the payment of the customs duty.
3.The guiding principles for suspensions can be summarised as follows:
·Suspensions are granted to i) raw materials, ii) semi-finished products, iii) component, but not to finished products;
·Suspensions are granted for goods which are not produced or produced in insufficient quantities within the EU;
·Suspension requests are considered only for goods for which the uncollected customs duty is estimated to be more than € 15 000/year;
·Suspensions are not granted when other provisions exist to serve Union producers (inward processing, preferential arrangements, etc.);
·Goods imported under the scheme enjoy freedom of movement throughout the Union and are open to all EU operators;
·The suspensions are of temporary nature and are reviewed regularly.
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